I started out intending to produce a single female formula that would be beneficial and suit the needs of both young and seasoned women alike. The more I did my research, the more I understood that although all female issues stem from the same problem, hormone imbalance, what ails the seasoned woman needs special attention and the right herbs to suit HER needs.
As our bodies mature with age, they should be like a fine wine, but because our bodies have gone through so many different and unnatural changes, instead of fine wine, we're aging like 10 days old pasteurized milk; surgeries (c-sections, hysterectomies, and myomectomies), stressful lifestyles ( work and relationships), sub-standard diet, and habitual over the counter/prescription drug use causes a lot of problems in the body but mainly with estrogen, progesterone and testosterone production and balance.
Now, if you are a seasoned woman and you are still on the pill or just got off the pill because of irregular periods caused by peri-menopause then the problem is making sure your progesterone and estrogen hormones are being naturally produced by the body again and removing the fake estrogen, from the pill so that your body can produce its hormones. Those who have had hysterectomies (removing all or part of the uterus) will see a drastic drop in hormone levels.
Some women think that if they only have their uterus removed but still have their ovaries intact this is better than having everything removed, right!?......... Wrong!!... The uterus and ovaries share a blood supply so ovarian dysfunction can still occur causing a decline in estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels. Women are hardly ever told this even though their ovaries are left in that they can still be negatively affected by the loss of blood supply and feel the effects of declining hormones. If the ovaries are removed from the uterus, a woman will usually go into menopause immediately. Either way causes a drastic drop in hormone levels that can make you feel miserable.
The transition should be smooth with the change of life but unfortunately, that is not happening.........if our hormones are not balanced during this beautiful transition in your life or if your body is no longer producing these needed hormones we can experience, night sweats, hot flashes, irregular periods, fatigue, memory lapses, loss of libido, vaginal dryness, insomnia, anxiety, mood swings, brain fog, depression, and migraines.
But don't worry, God already had something in place for you............
Ingredients: Sarsaparilla, St. Johns Wort, Sage, Dong Quai, Red Clover, Black Cohosh, Chastetree Berry, Motherwort, Gotu Kola, Damiana & Passion Flower